Saturday, January 20, 2007

National Multiple Sclerosis Society is on the Move...

As much as I love Squiggy and Neil Cavuto, the National MS Society has finally found an ambassador I can really get behind, I mean this person is someone I can really get on board with...

I sometimes tend to forget the long-term effects of this disease. For someone who has MS, I have been pretty damned lucky, because my symptoms are on the lighter side compared to a lot of folks that I know. I used to tell people that, in many ways, MS was one of the best things that ever happened to me. Since then, having MS has demonstrated how shameless I might still be.

I made the mistake last year of making the point with my lovely wife that it was important to me to stay healthy for her sake, so that I am not in a wheel-chair, drooling all over myself, and waiting for her to change my pee bag. I am taking daily shots of Copaxone, which is a great drug, but a shitty way to start the morning. From time to time, I fall out of the daily routine of sticking myself. Kinda did that during the holidays, for a longer period than I care to admit.

Woke up about 3 a.m. on Christmas Eve, and had that old familiar tingly, Vienna sausages for fingers kind of sensation. I immediately started kicking myself in the buttocks, for fear of what lovely wife would do to me when she found out the cause of the new flare up. The real emotional impact hit me when I realized that I had lost strength and control of my clutch hand. Tard boy couldn't ride his motorcycle for awhile...haven't missed a shot since then.

Watch Victoria's Secret and BeatMS! This intimate moment brought to you by the Council of Hotchicks My Wife Lets Me Look At and...Formerly Living.

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