Thursday, October 05, 2006

Do Not Make Me Smote You...

The Kansas asshats, also known as the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas, apparently are not satisfied with merely spewing insidious venom at the families of deceased US service members and their families. Given that picket protests that the pseudo-Christians have engaged in, which by most accounts have included celebrating the deaths of fallen service men, as well as taunting their families at the funerals, one would think that 1) the asshats are seeking an expedited meeting with their maker and 2) that some crusty old Marine would have already arranged the meeting. The fact that these jackasses have been neither dispatched with extreme prejudice, nor at least committed, says volumes about the restraint of this nation's war vets, and the complete failure of our nation's mental health system.

According to Fox News, the Kansas asshats (feeling some swagger since the military doesn't jack with them, and tired of picking on gays) has now decided to get really tough and start beating up and murdered Amish girls. Apparently, those poor young ladies had their lives tragically snatched away from them because God was angry, and rather than flood selected sections of Topeka, or cause all the pedophiles in Congress to be sucked into an express lane to hell, ol' Grumbly Ass upstairs arms a milk man with weaponry and decides to bitch slap the Amish...? Beloved, I only pick up my bible when ex-wife uses it to explain to my children why I am going to hell, but I am pretty damned sure that I have never seen any passage about Though Shalt not Kill, Unless its the Amish and I Happen to be Good and Pissed off.

You Fuckers in Topeka just keep spewing that venom. When you finally get what is coming to you, I have already made your travel plans for you. You have special seating in Hell, right next to... Formerly Living.

1 comment:

Mike Poole said...

Thankfully the state police sealed off the highways and I don't think those twisted bastards got to beat off to dead kids this time.