Sunday, March 26, 2006

That's Where the Retardation Begins

Last week, my oldest child threatened suicide. Child #1 is a few months shy of being 15.

When I started this blog, I was on the road, Boston I think. At that point, Child #1 had not spoken to me in several months, stopped coming to the house, would barely speak to me when I made my quarterly phone call to see if anything was forgiven yet. Being on the road so much made it easier for me to ball all of the daily guilt up and pack it away somewhere that the National Safety Administration couldn't find during the numerous bosy cavity searches I was subject to.

Throughout my adult life, I believed that even if I failed at everything else, I would always be a good father. In 2002, less than a year after 9/11, and while dealing with a second major flare up of multiple sclerosis, I began the long painful process of leaving one family to start another.

Wife #1 (who was, by that time, also wife #2) made certain that the process was a loud, long, painful, public matter. Though we never honestly discussed the matter, I suspect her point was to visit upon me the same time of pain and shame I was visiting upon her. The difference was, she decided to use and abuse the very legal system I worked in an attempt to take my children away from me, tried to make me look like a thief, a liar, and a deadbeat. I was accused of having secret bank accounts, having affairs for years, hiding assets. I cared little about those things. Fresh out of law school, having grown up in a series of mobile homes, the only assets we had were a set of Ginsu knives, and the new VCR I bought when we had been remarried.

The apparently accepted manipulation of the legal system to aid in the attempt to take my kids away, that bothered me immensly. It changed the way I view many things not the least of which include my job, the courts, and my colleagues who make their money jacking with other people's kids. The harder I tried to do good and be a "suitable parent", the more it backfired.

Once the divorce was finally, thankfully completed, I tried to get on with the business of putting my relationship with my kids back together. Unfortunately, at the same time, I was also trying to establish new relationships with new kids and shortly a new wife. For a short time I worked a few weekends as a security guard just to buy groceries.

During the summer, I was moving stuff across town from an apartment to a rent house. Wife #3, was just home from the hospital after we had our first child together. The office was calling wanting to know when the hell I was coming back to work. I was seriously unhinged as a person, apparently useless as a father. I let the outside stressors build up, and vented my frustrations on my family. It was the last straw for Child #1. She never came back.

For a long time, she blamed it on Wife #3, the new kids, she lashed out at anything and everything. That was 2 years ago.

When I started the blog, I was searching for some public persona that would allow me to feel normal for a bit. It was no longer normal to carry on the types of conversations that people do when first meeting. Waddya do, have kids, how many...? I felt as though I carried a scarlet "Asshole" sewn on my clothes, as though everyone knew I had a child that hated me. That was the inspiration for the name of this blog. New wife, new kids, new job responsibilities all required that I keep functioning. But inside I was dead, or at least starting to flatline. I kept believing that Child #1 would come around, certainly that is what everyone kept telling me.

Child #2, seeing the upside to familial chaos, is now following suit. The day that Child #1 was coming home from the facility Child#1 spent the better part of the week in, Child #2 called to ask me how to get new music on Child #2's Ipod. Child #2 hasn't been here in 2 months. 10 minutes into the call, I had to interrupt Child 2 to see when Child 1 was coming home. I also finally asked Child 2 about summer vacation. Yeah, a week long trip to Seattle sounds cool, but no I don't want to spend the summer with you.

Child 1 is home now, and finally getting the counseling that has been so sorely needed the last 2 years. Mom had decided the Child 1 didn't have to go to counseling unless, at the child's discretion, it was necessary. And I am the piss poor parent. Just incredible.

Children 1 and 2 will call me when they are ready to have a relationship. They will call me when the Ipod is broken.

The job has new requirements. I have to start building a name, a reputation, and a book of business of my own. As more and more companies resort to bankruptcy, and more non-bankruptcy litigators get in on the game, it truly is becoming a mercenary-staffed battlefield of suicidal clients and assassin litigators. I hate the job, but I do so love the work.

The time for my apologies has passed, the retributions will, undoubtedly, be lifelong. My failure as a father, and as a man, have stripped away any value I may have represented to my children. To complete strangers, my time is worth $250 an hour. I don't get much of the $250, but enough to buy some more Ipods as time goes on.

If you think I'm an asshole now, just wait till you see me as... Formerly Living.


RM said...

That's tragic :S

But not entirely unusual. My Dad's been married before and I have an older half brother and half sister. They've only ever called us when they've wanted something or were moving interstate. Nothing as nasty and bitter as your situation but you couldn't say that my dad has a relationship with his first two children at all.

Don't be too hard on yourself.

Infinitegtr said...

Commonality is not the path to redemption, but thanks for your comments.

Anonymous said...

All i can tell you is that one day they will grow up and see how hard it is to be a parent. It's my guess that most kids threaten suicide at one point or another. With the history of the family it's so totally not a shock. You've got some forces against you if your ex isn't trying to get help for your child but there may come a point where your child realizes that life like this sucks and getting help HAS to be done. It happened to me.

All you can do is continue to try and be there. Continue to try and keep in contact. Because like I said...eventually they will grow up and they'll understand. It's better that they look back and see you kept trying then that you said "screw this..." and never tried again.

Megan said...

You may have made some mistakes, but that does not make you a bad father. Your Ex has taken a path that is not only destroying your relationship with your children, it is destroying your children.

Keep trying. Once day they will realize that it was their mother who truly poisoned the well and not you.

I'm sorry for what you're going through. All you can do is the best you can do.

Anonymous said...

Never, never give up on being the father you said you always wanted to be. Every day is a new day and a fresh start. The advise of my wise grandmother was "Look towards the Sun and not at your Shadow"! Those words carried me through many trying times growing up, divorces, physical abuse and parenting. My child #1 was in 8th grade when life became a dark hole or pit to her and was not worth living. I had no idea of the depression. I wanted to know so I asked why didn't you go thru with it that night. The answer was "He rocked me!" The temptation was real that night! The difference she would call her father and he would not call her back for months. She longed for a loving father that would care for her and just be interested in her daily living. With several years of counseling she is a survivor of absent father syndrome. Life is a true journey and your hope should be in your eternal life as this life is temporal. As Easter Sunday approaches remember all yours have been paid for and you don't have to pay that price. Believe in your Creator and God's sovereignty who's know it all before hand and after and to come. DO NOT EVER FEEL you are not loved. You are and always will be (ABBA) so please do not lean not on your own understanding but lean on your Holy Father for that HOPE, JOY you need in your life. May you believe and let Him carry this incredible heavy yoke you are trying to bare on your own strength as it is robbing you and gripping your daughter of what is so opposite of what your lives need to be centered on. May you and your daughter someday look back and realize why you went through these "refining fires" and an understanding that surpasses all other things. May you experience a richless and blessing in your lives!

Anonymous said...

P.S. it's richness not richless! Big difference sorry about that